Gas applications Leak Detetction


Helium - the optimal tracer gas for leak detection

Leak Detection

Leak tests are essential in many manufacturing industries. These methods are used to check tightness of a system, e.g. a heat exchanger or air conditioner and to localize the leakages. Especially in automated manufacturing, leak tests are widely integrated. The requirements for leak detection gases are diverse. They need to be environmentally friendly, not harmful to humans, readily available, easily detectable in ambient air and affordable.

Helium – The Perfect Leak Test Gas 

Today, leak detection with helium is common practice. This noble gas can be detected easily due to the absence of cross sensitivity and the low atmospheric concentration of only 5 ppm. Furthermore, helium is inert, non-toxic, non-flammable and does have a high diffusion velocity. All these properties prove helium as the element of choice for leak testing. 

Beyond helium, leak tests with hydrogen detectors become more important, in which a gas mixture of 5% hydrogen in nitrogen is used.

Messer offers gases for leak detection. Our experts will be glad to support you in finding the optimal product for your specific demands.

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